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Report cards are printed and mailed to each student at the end of each semester.  A course syllabus, check lists, and/or other documents may be provided at the beginning of each semester to parents and students regarding the assessments, portfolio items, and other items that will be factored into the report card.


Semester One:  A one-week mailing extension is afforded all students; work received through the United States postal mail this week will be graded for full credit.  Failure to turn in the work by the end of the semester will result in final zeros being averaged into the grades in the grade book. These grades will then be reflected on the report card.


Semester Two:  All coursework due for semester two should be received  five (5) school days prior to the official end of the semester.  This window of time will allow for the timely grading, recording, and mailing of report cards, as well as quality feedback from the teachers.

The purpose of the progress report is to assist students in successfully meeting the semester’s academic requirements.  The progress report will provide information regarding student pacing and grades earned to date. 


Progress reports will be created and made available to students and parents electronically through Connexus between Week 9 and Week 11 of each semester. 



Semester report cards will reflect the following grading scales: 


Grades K-2: Satisfactory, Needs Improvement, Unsatisfactory


Grades 3-12: Uses the letter equivalent of:


100 and ABOVE = A+

93-99 = A

90-92 = A-

88-89 = B+

83-87 = B

80-82 = B-

78-79 = C+

73-77 = C

70-72 = C-

68-69 = D+

63-67 = D

60-62 = D-

59 and BELOW = F


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