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You are being asked to reflect on yourself and your school in general. To do this, you’ll be asked to fill out two surveys that focus on helping you and your teachers learn more about how they can best support you. This survey will ask about your skills in life and in class, which are important for your school and teachers to understand so they can best support you in all aspects of school.


You will be asked to answer two surveys. One of the surveys will have your name listed. The information collected in this survey will not be part of your grade or reflected on your report card in any way. Instead, you, your teachers and school leaders will use the information to better support you. So, please answer honestly.  The next survey has your school name listed  and no one in the school will be able to see your individual responses. The information from this survey is meant to help improve your experience at school.


Because you are sharing your own thoughts and there are no right or wrong answers, I cannot provide you with responses to the questions.


To access the survey, please click on the following link:


You will see a box on the page that asks you to enter an access code. Type your state student ID (see below on how to find your state student ID) into the box and click “Enter.” Once you have entered your access code, you will see two green buttons on the right side of the screen labeled “Start surveys.”


To find your state student Id:

  • From the student’s homepage, click on LINKS.

  • Click on DATA VIEWS .

  • Click on the link called AASD STUDENT USERNAME AND PASSWORD

  • ​

Please click the “Start surveys” button next to your name and complete that survey. If you prefer to take the survey in Spanish (or any other available languages), you may select that option in the box in the top left of the page within the dropdown list. 


Please answer the following questions according to how you are attending school right now. If there is a question that does not make sense for how you are attending school, you can skip it. 


After answering all of the questions, click the blue button at the bottom of the screen that says, “Submit.”


Then, please complete the next survey about your school.


When you see a final “Thank you” screen, it means you are done. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Mueller or your homeroom teacher.


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